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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Clinical Chemistry Exam/Review Questions - Enzymology Exams - ANSWERS 70 to 90.


Clinical Chemistry Exam/Review Questions - Enzymology Exams -
IDENTIFICATION: (Continuation)

70. In pesticide poisoning the enzyme affected is CHOLINESTERASE
71. Normal value for the answer to number 70. 6,000 TO 12,000 IU
72. Most common method for glucose determination is ORTHOTOLUIDINE METHOD
73. What is the concentration of albumin if globulin is 71 % of the TP, if TP=6.7?  4.69 mg/dL
74. The end product formed by the reaction of aspartate and oxoglutarate is oxaloacetate + L-glutamate
75. Enzymes are categorized into 6 classifications based on this.REACTION CATALYZED
76. When an enzyme requires an inorganic substance such as zinc for activity, this substrate is termed as ACTIVATOR
77. When substrate is in excess, this acts as the rate limiting factor.ENZYME CONCENTRATION
78. When the enzyme is in excess, this acts as the rate limiting factor.SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION
79. These hormones have alpha chains that are biochemically identical but beta chains that are biochenically unique, FSH,TSH, HCG
80. This is the concentration of a substrate at half of its maximum velocity. MICHAELIS CONSTANT (kM)
81. What three enzymes are elevated in myocardial infarction? CPK,AST,LDH
82. Cretinism is caused by what hormone deficiency? GROWTH HORMONE
83. This anticoagulant is best for glucose determination because it prevents glycolysis. SODIUM FLUORIDE
84. CK has how many isoenzymes? 3
85. What CK isoenzyme is increased in brain injury? CKBB OR CK1
86. What is the principle of dry slide technology? REFLECTANCE SPECTROMETRY
87. What does the reagent blank corrects? ERRORS CAUSED BY THE COLOR OF REAGENT
88. Give the formula for the computation of Cu using the ratio to standard formula. ( 2 pts.) Cu= Au X Cs/ As

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